Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We're back...

Jeff and I have returned. I'm not sure what to say at the moment, although there is much to be shared.

For now, I wanted to say that there are things forthcoming. Stories and more stories. A message from one of Mario's friends. That sorta stuff. Such are the things that would have been shared in hindsight, yet were never given a chance.

I've also decided that from here on the Mario-isms (all things that are as if Mario were speaking/acting), and direct quotes from Mario will be listed in green. That way we'll be able to quote directly from him and piece together his stories, however not always in our own words. If you send me something I'll put some green into it if you don't have time.

Why green you ask? Easy. Green means go. Sounds familiar...

More soon.

- Justin

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