There are some residual emotions runnin' over from the Hardcore Since '74 story, but I'm gonna give it a rest for a few days. It's the least I could do! :) This is assuming that the Frassetto family is ok with me continuing. I think the most detailed post about the hidden side of Super is out in the open now (aside from that other thing), and well, there isn't much going back. I was pleased to write it up, but something in the back of my mind kept telling me to delete the entire thing and put a cork in it. I truly hope it didn't freak anyone out. If it's any consolation, I'm slightly traumatized by all the research I had to do for the story, does that count? Haha.
Multiple things are in the works for this week. MarioTV episodes will be up, another YouTube video Super would approve of, as well as a couple other small posts from me. Jeff is moving to Philadelphia tomorrow and once he gets settled in he and I are going to work on the Nine Inch Nails in Phoenix story together, which is another doozie I (we) cannot wait to share. It should be an interesting read mainly because you'll get the first half of the night from Jeff, and the second half of the night from me. Somewhat Tipsy versus Completely Sober, that sorta thing. I'm tempted to just throw the pictures up and let 'em speak for themselves, but the story is a show stopper and it must be told.
I have another post similar to The Vacuum Earth that I'm also working on that may take awhile. It's nowhere near the length of the Hustler Helmet story (thank goodness), however, so far it has been the most difficult thing for me to write.
Last but not least before I fall asleep, I wanted to post this picture as a follow-up to the post Jeff did about Mario getting 86'd from the Mudvayne concert in Vegas. What's really hilarious about this picture is that it's titled exactly as it looks: "evilsanwich01." Why was it evil? Well, not only did Super have a hell of a night after getting shanghai'd at the concert, Jeff and I took him to get something to eat afterwards (to help soak up some of the pre-concert drinks he had) and low and behold, he got food poisoning from said sandwich. Hence, evilsanwich was born and quite frankly, I'm not sure he ever fully recovered from that night. Even mentioning the words "Hard Rock" within earshot was grounds for a small fracas, given the situation and the effects of the food.
The picture sure is funny though...

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