Wednesday, September 17, 2008

MarioTV : Episode 14 : Mudvayne

So when Super heard that Mudvayne's new album, "By the People, For the People," was an amalgamation of alternate versions of old songs that fans voted for, and with only a few new tracks, he was somewhat disappointed. Of the new tracks, Dull Boy did give Super some reason to listen to the CD that he purchased out of mere allegiance to the band.

-Jeffy Chaucer

1 comment:

autumn said...

Text from Mario via e-mail mentioning this song:

"Anyway, that is all for now I guess. It's quite ironic
that I work so much now, and Mudvayne came out with a
song called "Dull Boy" where the chorus is "all work
and no play makes me a dull boy..."

Which is now essentially what I am...
