Tuesday, September 30, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 17 : Robot Chicken
Go for Papa Palpatine. That was often how Super answered his phone when Justin or I would call. It was from one of his favorite Robot Chicken Star Wars Special sketches. -Jeffy Chaucer
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Did you see it?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Super Storytime : Part III : Position Impossible
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Monday, September 22, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 16 : The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects. What a great movie, one of Super's favorites. We would often toss lines back and forth at each other - great movie to quote from. Every time we watched it, we had to rewind and watch the line up scene a couple of times. If you don't watch it, I'll flip you for real. Can you hear me in the back, HELLO?!?
The Line Up
!!! Warning - this MarioTV contains EXTREMELY explicit language !!!
!!! Warning - this MarioTV contains EXTREMELY explicit language !!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 15 : Super Troopers
Super Troopers. There are so many great scenes that got both Super and I laughing until it hurt. It wouldn't be at all crazy just to post the entire f-ing movie; however, I decided to choose some of the most memorable ones that Super always enjoyed. Oh, and the scene where they chug down a bottle of syrup...yeah, Super did that.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 14 1/2 : More Mudvayne
Mudvayne (from Lost and Found) : Happy
!!! Warning - contains explicit lyrics and disturbing images (for some) !!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
'WSUP'-radio : Fish Out of Water : Mudvayne
Some more Mudvayne...Super definitely had an impact on me regarding this band - it is by far my personal favorite. -Jeffy Chaucer
Click this link for a song from their newest album yet to be released, The New Game. The song is called Fish Out of Water.
Click this link for a song from their newest album yet to be released, The New Game. The song is called Fish Out of Water.
MarioTV : Episode 14 : Mudvayne
So when Super heard that Mudvayne's new album, "By the People, For the People," was an amalgamation of alternate versions of old songs that fans voted for, and with only a few new tracks, he was somewhat disappointed. Of the new tracks, Dull Boy did give Super some reason to listen to the CD that he purchased out of mere allegiance to the band.
-Jeffy Chaucer
Sunday, September 14, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 13 : Rammstein
Rammstein - they are an "interesting" band to say the least - Super seemed to appreciate their music. Here are two of their "better known" songs, Mein Teil and Keine Lust. (yeah, if you don't speak German you might be kind of lost with the lyrics)
So, here the second video of theirs that apparently Super liked, in his words from his Facebook - I can't understand a word of this video and yet, it says so much. Fat guys rocking out, women making out - is there anything this video doesn't have? Well, something blowing up but I'll let that pass this time. Watch it, you might like it.
The same video on crack speed - 1/2 the time
So, here the second video of theirs that apparently Super liked, in his words from his Facebook - I can't understand a word of this video and yet, it says so much. Fat guys rocking out, women making out - is there anything this video doesn't have? Well, something blowing up but I'll let that pass this time. Watch it, you might like it.
The same video on crack speed - 1/2 the time
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Super Storytime : Part II : Man-made: 10 things we never should have stolen from women
There is another story of Mario's that is linked in his writing - first paragraph.
Man-made: 10 things we never should have stolen from women
From the Viking, 08.24.07
There are certain things in this world that were designed for the female species. We like it that way. Sometimes girls steal our stuff, and use it for their own. We can live with that well enough, as evidenced here. But most girly shit is well, for girls.
But like women, some men can’t leave well enough alone and want to use these items too. Everything here looks, fits and should only be seen or used on or by women. Simple as that. If you or anyone of your friends has something on your list you may want to ask them if indeed, they actually do have a dick.
When babies are born, they dress boys in blue and girls in pink. Pink is for girls and as far as we know it has always been and will always be that way. Pink is NOT the new black and the horrific trend of pink polo and T-shirts permeating men’s wardrobes must be stopped. It doesn’t look good and all these shirts should be destroyed immediately. Pink also does not make you “ok with your sexuality,” and therefore manlier. That is some serious chick logic, right there. The day guys wearing pink is OK is the same day we see a NFL team sporting pink jerseys. That will never happen and if it does we hope we are long dead and gone.
Some guys are leg guys. Some are ass guys. You know where we’re going with this right? Tits are one of the best things on a woman ever. But on dudes, not so much. We’ll even go so far to say that steroid-pumping muscle-heads with gi-normous pecs fit in this category. Man-boobs have to be the most unappealing, disgusting sight around. There was even a guy who got breast implants on a dare/bet. So that’s what you do when you can’t get a girlfriend and blow-up dolls and porn just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Women have a lot of shit they haul around with them. Granted, some guys need to haul around a lot of shit too. Here’s the deal though, men usually wear pants with pockets. Mini skirts and women’s jeans really don’t come with such conveniences. Hence, they need a small bag to put all their makeup and shit in. Guys, if you have to carry around more stuff that it doesn’t fit in your pockets, you are carrying around too much shit. That, or put it in a backpack. There is absolutely, positively no reason ever to carry a man-purse.
The right bra on the right woman looks dead sexy. As previously discussed, men with boobs do not. And if your tits are big enough you even have to consider buying a bra, you’re in some serious trouble. As much as we hate to say it, you’re going to have to lay off the beer, chips and get your fat ass up off the couch and start working out. The "bro" or "manssiere" should never have even been conceived, let alone actually made.
Girl’s night out
If you’ve ever been to a “normal” bar, dudes will invariably outnumber the chicks every time. That’s why they have a thing called “ladies night.” They have that to get chicks in the bar. It’s not really a secret. Women also like to get together, drink cheap sugary drinks and talk about whatever it is they talk about. They call this “Girl’s night out.” Men, on the other hand, go out to find and hunt these aforementioned ladies. Which makes EVERY night a guy’s night out. So, if one of your friends suggests a guy’s night out, question the validity of his manhood and location of his balls. They are either lopped off, in the firm grip of a woman or he never had them to begin with. Probably is wearing a pink polo shirt too.
When women are in a bad mood or bitchy, guys assume it’s that “time of the month.” When men are in a bad mood or bitchy, sometimes people joke that it’s their time of the month. This is when the guy in the bad mood should beat the living fuck out of the person suggesting such a thing. PMS is woman-exclusive, thank God. More likely than not, you are causing the bad mood and henceforth, are part of the problem and should remove yourself from the equation accordingly.
How this article of clothing ever made it into men’s wardrobes is beyond us. While acceptable only, and we mean only for Chippendales dancers (really, what else would they wear?), a thong on a dude as regular issue is wrong on so many levels. There’s nothing worse than checking out some fine piece of ass with a whale-tail only to find out it’s a dude wearing a thong. That shit will send you to therapy.
Spandex / Short shorts
While on one hand, we’d like to personally shake the hand of the person that invented spandex and short-shorts. On the other, there should have been some ground rules established -- like who exactly gets to wear such items. Somehow in their infinite wisdom, fatties and dudes thought they actually looked good in spandex. Oh, how wrong they were. No man should ever wear pants or shorts so tight or short that you can tell what religion he is by looking at his shorts.
First and foremost, it’s EYEliner. Not GUYliner. We don’t give a rat’s ass who renamed that shit trying to make a buck. We’ve already discussed this issue and there’s no sense in beating a dead horse. Read all about why this is wrong here.
We thought it couldn’t get any worse than guyliner, but apparently it can. While makeup is ok for actors, news reporters and clowns, no man should ever be caught carrying a compact or rouge. Seriously, even rock and rollers shouldn’t be wearing the stuff. The ONLY exceptions we will allow are for the band KISS and aboriginal cannibals. As we all know, they actually look better in makeup (and somehow made better music too), and we don’t want some voodoo curse placed on us. Other than that, if you carry and use makeup, you should just keep it in your purse that matches that pretty pink shirt and spandex shorts you’d probably be wearing.
But like women, some men can’t leave well enough alone and want to use these items too. Everything here looks, fits and should only be seen or used on or by women. Simple as that. If you or anyone of your friends has something on your list you may want to ask them if indeed, they actually do have a dick.
When babies are born, they dress boys in blue and girls in pink. Pink is for girls and as far as we know it has always been and will always be that way. Pink is NOT the new black and the horrific trend of pink polo and T-shirts permeating men’s wardrobes must be stopped. It doesn’t look good and all these shirts should be destroyed immediately. Pink also does not make you “ok with your sexuality,” and therefore manlier. That is some serious chick logic, right there. The day guys wearing pink is OK is the same day we see a NFL team sporting pink jerseys. That will never happen and if it does we hope we are long dead and gone.
Some guys are leg guys. Some are ass guys. You know where we’re going with this right? Tits are one of the best things on a woman ever. But on dudes, not so much. We’ll even go so far to say that steroid-pumping muscle-heads with gi-normous pecs fit in this category. Man-boobs have to be the most unappealing, disgusting sight around. There was even a guy who got breast implants on a dare/bet. So that’s what you do when you can’t get a girlfriend and blow-up dolls and porn just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Women have a lot of shit they haul around with them. Granted, some guys need to haul around a lot of shit too. Here’s the deal though, men usually wear pants with pockets. Mini skirts and women’s jeans really don’t come with such conveniences. Hence, they need a small bag to put all their makeup and shit in. Guys, if you have to carry around more stuff that it doesn’t fit in your pockets, you are carrying around too much shit. That, or put it in a backpack. There is absolutely, positively no reason ever to carry a man-purse.
The right bra on the right woman looks dead sexy. As previously discussed, men with boobs do not. And if your tits are big enough you even have to consider buying a bra, you’re in some serious trouble. As much as we hate to say it, you’re going to have to lay off the beer, chips and get your fat ass up off the couch and start working out. The "bro" or "manssiere" should never have even been conceived, let alone actually made.
Girl’s night out
If you’ve ever been to a “normal” bar, dudes will invariably outnumber the chicks every time. That’s why they have a thing called “ladies night.” They have that to get chicks in the bar. It’s not really a secret. Women also like to get together, drink cheap sugary drinks and talk about whatever it is they talk about. They call this “Girl’s night out.” Men, on the other hand, go out to find and hunt these aforementioned ladies. Which makes EVERY night a guy’s night out. So, if one of your friends suggests a guy’s night out, question the validity of his manhood and location of his balls. They are either lopped off, in the firm grip of a woman or he never had them to begin with. Probably is wearing a pink polo shirt too.
When women are in a bad mood or bitchy, guys assume it’s that “time of the month.” When men are in a bad mood or bitchy, sometimes people joke that it’s their time of the month. This is when the guy in the bad mood should beat the living fuck out of the person suggesting such a thing. PMS is woman-exclusive, thank God. More likely than not, you are causing the bad mood and henceforth, are part of the problem and should remove yourself from the equation accordingly.
How this article of clothing ever made it into men’s wardrobes is beyond us. While acceptable only, and we mean only for Chippendales dancers (really, what else would they wear?), a thong on a dude as regular issue is wrong on so many levels. There’s nothing worse than checking out some fine piece of ass with a whale-tail only to find out it’s a dude wearing a thong. That shit will send you to therapy.
Spandex / Short shorts
While on one hand, we’d like to personally shake the hand of the person that invented spandex and short-shorts. On the other, there should have been some ground rules established -- like who exactly gets to wear such items. Somehow in their infinite wisdom, fatties and dudes thought they actually looked good in spandex. Oh, how wrong they were. No man should ever wear pants or shorts so tight or short that you can tell what religion he is by looking at his shorts.
First and foremost, it’s EYEliner. Not GUYliner. We don’t give a rat’s ass who renamed that shit trying to make a buck. We’ve already discussed this issue and there’s no sense in beating a dead horse. Read all about why this is wrong here.
We thought it couldn’t get any worse than guyliner, but apparently it can. While makeup is ok for actors, news reporters and clowns, no man should ever be caught carrying a compact or rouge. Seriously, even rock and rollers shouldn’t be wearing the stuff. The ONLY exceptions we will allow are for the band KISS and aboriginal cannibals. As we all know, they actually look better in makeup (and somehow made better music too), and we don’t want some voodoo curse placed on us. Other than that, if you carry and use makeup, you should just keep it in your purse that matches that pretty pink shirt and spandex shorts you’d probably be wearing.
Man-made: 10 things we never should have stolen from women
From the Viking, 08.24.07
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A little something to brighten your day...
I sent Mario this video clip about something we should start doing in our spare time about year or two back. It's called the "Balls of Steel Rodeo." :)
It's simple. We would be the "riders" of complete strangers. If you're out and about, walking down the sidewalk or in a parking lot or something, and someone jumps on your back like a piggy back ride, (not to knock you down or cause injury), your normal response is to grab them and hold them up for a second because you yourself don't want to fall over too! Well, this guy from the UK started doing it to people out on the streets while secretly filming them to see how long he could stay on their backs. Like ridin' a bull. Yee-haw! Hence, Balls of Steel Rodeo! After you jump on, you hang on, and when you come off, you make a run for it to avoid getting maced, beaten, whatever. We never had the chance to properly test it out, but Mario agreed that I should be the primary jumper/rider because I weigh a bit less, I can run fast, and he'd have my back in the event something went horribly wrong. I have to keep myself from laughing just thinking about it.
Back in April sometime, Mario, Jeff, myself, and another friend were at a bar called The Library in Tempe, down on Mill Avenue. About 15-minutes before closing time Mario jumped on my back, and like I just said, I grabbed on to hold him up. Upon impact I didn't know it was him until I heard him yelling in my ear a split second later. The only problem was that he got a running start first, and weighed about 40-50 pounds more than me, so we *almost* took a little tumble. I took a good 4 or 5 steps with him on my back before regaining my momentum. Finally, a reason to thank my low center of gravity! I let Mario "ride me" for a few seconds before bucking him off and having a laugh about it. A few minutes later, he pulled the back of his jeans down and mooned about a dozen people. True story. It was hilarious!
Check out the video of what I originally sent him from YouTube, turn on the volume!
Sorry, vid no longer available on YouTube, working on finding it again.
In memory of Mario Frassetto, who was the original rhinestone cowboy. Like John McClane would say, "Yippy-Kay-Yay-Motherf....."
It's simple. We would be the "riders" of complete strangers. If you're out and about, walking down the sidewalk or in a parking lot or something, and someone jumps on your back like a piggy back ride, (not to knock you down or cause injury), your normal response is to grab them and hold them up for a second because you yourself don't want to fall over too! Well, this guy from the UK started doing it to people out on the streets while secretly filming them to see how long he could stay on their backs. Like ridin' a bull. Yee-haw! Hence, Balls of Steel Rodeo! After you jump on, you hang on, and when you come off, you make a run for it to avoid getting maced, beaten, whatever. We never had the chance to properly test it out, but Mario agreed that I should be the primary jumper/rider because I weigh a bit less, I can run fast, and he'd have my back in the event something went horribly wrong. I have to keep myself from laughing just thinking about it.
Back in April sometime, Mario, Jeff, myself, and another friend were at a bar called The Library in Tempe, down on Mill Avenue. About 15-minutes before closing time Mario jumped on my back, and like I just said, I grabbed on to hold him up. Upon impact I didn't know it was him until I heard him yelling in my ear a split second later. The only problem was that he got a running start first, and weighed about 40-50 pounds more than me, so we *almost* took a little tumble. I took a good 4 or 5 steps with him on my back before regaining my momentum. Finally, a reason to thank my low center of gravity! I let Mario "ride me" for a few seconds before bucking him off and having a laugh about it. A few minutes later, he pulled the back of his jeans down and mooned about a dozen people. True story. It was hilarious!
Check out the video of what I originally sent him from YouTube, turn on the volume!
In memory of Mario Frassetto, who was the original rhinestone cowboy. Like John McClane would say, "Yippy-Kay-Yay-Motherf....."
Monday, September 8, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 12 : Snatch
Deal was, you bought it how you saw it. That's the sort of thing Super would sometimes say to me when he mixed me a drink that ended up tasting like cat piss and I wanted him to re-mix another. I wonder where he got that line?
The Dog vs. The Hare - Caravan Part 2
!!! Warning: this MarioTV contains explicit language and mild violence !!!
PC Load Letter?
Just kidding.
I can't seem to scan photos at the moment because I need to update the firmware and drivers on my HP (the 'P' stands for piece of sh...). So, looks like I have to put this out another weekend because I want to do them all at once.
From the looks of things on this side of the curtain, Jeffery Chaucer has things covered.
Be back soon.
I can't seem to scan photos at the moment because I need to update the firmware and drivers on my HP (the 'P' stands for piece of sh...). So, looks like I have to put this out another weekend because I want to do them all at once.
From the looks of things on this side of the curtain, Jeffery Chaucer has things covered.
Be back soon.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
MarioTV : Episode 11 : Marilyn Manson
There are many people out there who are huge vocal opponents of Marilyn Manson stating that he is the reason why our children do evil things, he preaches hate and violence, he is the anti-Christ. Well, I am not going to comment on that as much as I would like to - this is not the place - but I am going to post two songs that Super appreciated.
The first song he thought was o.k. (you may recognize it as a remake of Soft Cell's original), but he did like the video. The second song is a more typical Manson song and would appear on Super's iPod.
The first song he thought was o.k. (you may recognize it as a remake of Soft Cell's original), but he did like the video. The second song is a more typical Manson song and would appear on Super's iPod.
I am working to clean up my language on the posts & warn of explicit material to make them appropriate for everyone...but there is only so far that I will go -Jeffy Chaucer
Thursday, September 4, 2008
'WSUP'-radio : World So Cold : Mudvayne
So this may not have been considered by Super as one of his top songs by Mudvayne, but it would get the nod to be on his mp3 player every now and then. It really didn't meet Super's requirements to be included as his gym music...a little too slow and not hardcore enough. I think he would have gave the video a meh, so I present it here without. -Jeffy Chaucer
When passion's lost and all the trust is gone,
Way too far, for way too long
Children crying, cast out and neglected,
Only in a world so cold, only in a world
This cold
Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes
Then watch them drift away
Some might say, we've done the wrong things,
For way too long, for way too long
Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us
Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold
Burning whispers, Remind me of the days,
I was left alone, in a world this cold
Guilty of the same things, provoked by
The cause,
I've left alone, in a world so cold
Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us
Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold
I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold
Why does everyone feel like my enemy,
Don't want any part of depression or
Darkness, I've had enough
sick and tired, bring the sun, or I'm gone,
Or I'm gone
I'm backing out, I'm no pawn,
No mother-fucking slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about
Backing out, giving up, no mother-fucking
Slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about
I need to find a darkened corner,
A lightless corner,
Where it's safer and calmer,
I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us
I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold
I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold
Way too far, for way too long
Children crying, cast out and neglected,
Only in a world so cold, only in a world
This cold
Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes
Then watch them drift away
Some might say, we've done the wrong things,
For way too long, for way too long
Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us
Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold
Burning whispers, Remind me of the days,
I was left alone, in a world this cold
Guilty of the same things, provoked by
The cause,
I've left alone, in a world so cold
Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us
Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold
I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold
Why does everyone feel like my enemy,
Don't want any part of depression or
Darkness, I've had enough
sick and tired, bring the sun, or I'm gone,
Or I'm gone
I'm backing out, I'm no pawn,
No mother-fucking slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about
Backing out, giving up, no mother-fucking
Slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about
I need to find a darkened corner,
A lightless corner,
Where it's safer and calmer,
I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us
I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold
I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold
A quick note :
Mario's mom sent me a few captions to add to the "Oldies but Goodies" posts, and I'll be updating the pictures as soon as I can. When I do, I'll drop in a little note for redirection.
This weekend I'm going to sit down and put together a couple posts that will be comprised of mostly pictures and captions from over the years. I've gone back and found hard copies of some of the pictures that don't exist in the digital world and plan on scanning them. Speaking of, take a wild guess what kind of hand and face gestures Mario gave the camera back then? Some things never changed :) At least he was consistent. I believe I may also have the last picture of Mario from a few days before his accident, if I haven't posted it already, I will. Off the top of my head I can't remember if it's up here yet.
What else, what else. I've got a couple funny stories to get in here. One story is from a time when Mario and I were living together and he helped give me a haircut. Jeffery Chaucer should know what I'm talking about. It is easily one of the funniest times we all had together, at my expense this time...
Meanwhile, Jeff has been writing posts like a madman, so there should be plenty of MarioTV and WSUP-Radio stuffs coming.
See you guys soon.
This weekend I'm going to sit down and put together a couple posts that will be comprised of mostly pictures and captions from over the years. I've gone back and found hard copies of some of the pictures that don't exist in the digital world and plan on scanning them. Speaking of, take a wild guess what kind of hand and face gestures Mario gave the camera back then? Some things never changed :) At least he was consistent. I believe I may also have the last picture of Mario from a few days before his accident, if I haven't posted it already, I will. Off the top of my head I can't remember if it's up here yet.
What else, what else. I've got a couple funny stories to get in here. One story is from a time when Mario and I were living together and he helped give me a haircut. Jeffery Chaucer should know what I'm talking about. It is easily one of the funniest times we all had together, at my expense this time...
Meanwhile, Jeff has been writing posts like a madman, so there should be plenty of MarioTV and WSUP-Radio stuffs coming.
See you guys soon.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Super : : Envision
It didn't take me long to realize what I wanted to do as a small rememberance of Mario once things settled down a little bit. Obviously I enjoy the blog and I visit it daily, but I wanted to be able to take something with me to remind me of the memories. Jeff and I are planning on tattoos, but that's all we're willing to say for now. It's a secret.....sort of. Look for that post around the first week of 2009.
Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I have a thing for sunglasses. There is a long winded story behind that, if you really want to know feel free to ask. Mario always made fun of me for not only owning multiple pairs but for wearing them too; he'd repeatedly call me names or comment on how he'd never spend that much on sunglasses. I'd just end up breaking them, man. Bag that. I'll wear some cheapies for $10. Of course, if you've been following along with some of my blog posts you'll notice I mentioned Mario finally stopped being a silly sally and popped for a couple nice pairs of glasses. Who do you think influenced him? Mmmhmm.
When I think about something Mario-like I often find myself thinking of his flowery tattoo, the one he had on his right shoulder. In my mind, the greens, blues, yellow, greys, and black stood out the most. For some reason I don't picture the red background, just the colors of the earth. Notice any trends in my blog posts? Good, that means you've been paying attention :)
These arrived today, custom ordered to my request. I had Super::Envision etched in to the bottom left hand corner of the lenses. I chose emerald green lenses for a couple reasons. The color for one, reminds me a lot of Mario's flower tattoo. Depending on the angle and lighting you get greens, blues, and yellows, against the grey frame. I also wanted a highly reflective color because I enjoy taking pictures of various locations through the reflection of my sunglass lens - producing a mirror image of the scene as if the viewer were standing nearby looking toward my eyes. Emerald green happens to be one of the lightest and most reflective lenses, so I'm looking forward to getting some great pictures, perhaps against a fiery red sunset out here in the desert. Green was an easy pick too because I don't own these lenses in any of my other sunglasses. These ones are the most unique. I chose a smoke grey frame instead of the polished black frame because they are translucent, making them more transparent against the light. At night they will look almost black, and during the day, depending on the light, they'll vary from dark grey to medium grey. Again, a lot like the central and largest flower on Mario's shoulder. They are 1 of 1, like Super. When I get the opportunity to snap my own reflective picture, I'll be sure to bring it in here. You'll see a couple pictures below that match that reflective technique I like so much.
I rotate my glasses every single day depending on, well, lots of things. I'll be wearing these tomorrow for sure. Every time I reach for them I'll get that little Mario vision through my eyes. Hopefully I'll be able to glance back at a funny memory of him being the smart-alecky guy he was, the tattoo, and the good times. There are plenty to choose from...

In memory of Mr. Mario Frassetto, a guy who wore fake $10 Oakleys for a few months (correction, a couple weeks!) before he broke them too...
Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I have a thing for sunglasses. There is a long winded story behind that, if you really want to know feel free to ask. Mario always made fun of me for not only owning multiple pairs but for wearing them too; he'd repeatedly call me names or comment on how he'd never spend that much on sunglasses. I'd just end up breaking them, man. Bag that. I'll wear some cheapies for $10. Of course, if you've been following along with some of my blog posts you'll notice I mentioned Mario finally stopped being a silly sally and popped for a couple nice pairs of glasses. Who do you think influenced him? Mmmhmm.
When I think about something Mario-like I often find myself thinking of his flowery tattoo, the one he had on his right shoulder. In my mind, the greens, blues, yellow, greys, and black stood out the most. For some reason I don't picture the red background, just the colors of the earth. Notice any trends in my blog posts? Good, that means you've been paying attention :)
These arrived today, custom ordered to my request. I had Super::Envision etched in to the bottom left hand corner of the lenses. I chose emerald green lenses for a couple reasons. The color for one, reminds me a lot of Mario's flower tattoo. Depending on the angle and lighting you get greens, blues, and yellows, against the grey frame. I also wanted a highly reflective color because I enjoy taking pictures of various locations through the reflection of my sunglass lens - producing a mirror image of the scene as if the viewer were standing nearby looking toward my eyes. Emerald green happens to be one of the lightest and most reflective lenses, so I'm looking forward to getting some great pictures, perhaps against a fiery red sunset out here in the desert. Green was an easy pick too because I don't own these lenses in any of my other sunglasses. These ones are the most unique. I chose a smoke grey frame instead of the polished black frame because they are translucent, making them more transparent against the light. At night they will look almost black, and during the day, depending on the light, they'll vary from dark grey to medium grey. Again, a lot like the central and largest flower on Mario's shoulder. They are 1 of 1, like Super. When I get the opportunity to snap my own reflective picture, I'll be sure to bring it in here. You'll see a couple pictures below that match that reflective technique I like so much.
I rotate my glasses every single day depending on, well, lots of things. I'll be wearing these tomorrow for sure. Every time I reach for them I'll get that little Mario vision through my eyes. Hopefully I'll be able to glance back at a funny memory of him being the smart-alecky guy he was, the tattoo, and the good times. There are plenty to choose from...

In memory of Mr. Mario Frassetto, a guy who wore fake $10 Oakleys for a few months (correction, a couple weeks!) before he broke them too...
MarioTV : Episode 10 : V For Vendetta
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." A tag line for one of Super's favorite comic book to big screen movies - V For Vendetta
Included is a clip of the last fight scene that is done very well cinematically, but does have elements of its "R" rating for violence, just to give you a heads up. If you have not seen the movie, shame on you - go rent it! For those individuals, I have included the trailer at the end. -Jeffy Chaucer
Included is a clip of the last fight scene that is done very well cinematically, but does have elements of its "R" rating for violence, just to give you a heads up. If you have not seen the movie, shame on you - go rent it! For those individuals, I have included the trailer at the end. -Jeffy Chaucer
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