In trademark Super fashion (when he wasn't flipping the camera off), he'd be sticking his tongue out and/or giving some metal. Obviously the people in here know that, because your pictures probably have very similar trademark moves. Matter of fact, glancing through the pictures I've found of the two of us, or three of us including Jeff (albeit I haven't been looking very hard, yet) - only a couple lack the metal/tongue/finger combinations that Super was known for.
A second before this picture was taken I turned my head and said, "Super, give the camera some love..."
And the result? Just like I imagined it would be.
We spent the day at the beach throwing the frisbee around for about 4-5 hours. I never knew he was such a beach and frisbee bum! It was a great day for the two of us to chill and talk about life. We laughed at each other later when we both admitted that "like a couple of dogs we could have stayed out there playing fetch with that thing all day."
The next day was a different story. We found ourselves on another beach, softer sand, much higher winds, while the tide was in. Both of our right arms had been beat to hell from throwing the disc the day before. We both reluctantly admitted that even though we wanted to play it hurt every single time just to wing the disc. We put ourselves through half an hour of hell before packing up our stuff to head down towards Main Street (Huntington Beach) and get some grub.
I also wanted to share that I spoke with Mario's parents and they are keeping an eye on the blog as well. They really appreciate everything everyone has done for Mario, and are grateful for having us celebrate him the way we are. His mom also shared with me that she'll be sending along some pictures of "Mario the Kid" - which I can't wait to post up for everyone to get a look at. There's bound to be a laugh or two in there!
I, amongst everyone else, are very proud to have known Mario.
As usual, catch you guys soon.
Posted by, well, just look right below here for the answer to that question. __ ↓
Having seen a few of the Little Mario photos myself, I can tell you that he'll be just THRILLED about that being on the internet. In fact he may even think it is "fucking spectacular".
Yes yes yes, that sounds about right! It couldn't have been said any better.
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