Although he is the greatest rider in the world, Valentino Rossi had yet to win at Laguna Seca. Until today! Rossi tore up the competition at the US Red Bull GP, which was a sweet victory for all of us because Mario had ridden a bike on the Laguna track. Another awesome race that Rossi made look sooooo easy!
The party at Warren's house was nothing shy of perfect. Good food, good drink, and great conversation, just the way Mario would have wanted it. I think I speak for everyone that the turn out was really impressive. It was nice to see people that haven't been around in awhile, putting faces to the names we've all heard, as well as those new faces who were brave enough to show up not having met anyone prior to today. Thanks so much for coming out! It was a great gathering and tribute to Mario. It felt really good to be in that company.
While typing this up I had a thought I wanted to share. Just for a moment, visualize that Mario was there. Standing around looking over our shoulders with a silly little grin on his face. Pointing at stuff, then making his eyes flash big for a split-second. Goofing around. Talking about the race. Somehow managing to be everywhere at once! "Dude dude dude, you gotta check this out. Are you shitting me?" Chatting it up with the ladies while having a drink. Smiling and laughing and being a centerpiece of energy. Turning to his guy friends and talking gears, music, and of course women! There really are no words to describe it, no matter how hard I try. His style truly, truly is one-of-a-kind. To the average person this list may look pretty ordinary, but to the people who knew him well, he was farrrrr from average. You could set that guy loose anywhere and he'd march to the beat of his own drum. Before you knew it, people would be picking up on the beat. I can guarantee that wherever Super is, he was making weird gestures with his hands accompanied by words that only exist in his world while we sat around and spoke his name. That right there is a happy visual, because if we had the power to see it, we would have seen it happening. You know?
Many thanks to VW for having everyone over. Great, great party.
Some other pictures from the party will be on their way up once I get a little more time to resize and whatnot, and we'll pile 'em all together. If anyone wants a full size set, let me know. A couple invites are out, so hopefully Warren and Jeff should both be writing something on here shortly as well! (Remember as Super would say, "it's all about Quality, not Quantity.")

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